Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cast Removed - Brace Created

Here is Pilot in the Nurses care as she performs the delicate procedure of cast removal. One slip and his arm is sliced into two!!! (Of course that is not true. The saw will not cut soft texture, it's a safety thing.)

The wonderful Steri strips that kept his hand from catching on the soft material under the cast.
Here Pilot is saying 'hi'. Or maybe it is 'see mom, no cast.'
Here Pilot is looking up to Heaven and saying his thanks that his hand is healing on schedule.
X-rays of his hand. Healing is coming along just fine. However there are still a good couple of weeks to go before he can really use his hand. Now he just needs to get the fingers moving again. No weight lifting yet.
Waiting to see the Physical Therapist and get a custom brace and exercises.

Here is one last look at the hand. Pilot removed the steri strips. The scar looks awesome! He is pleased with it. Could have been a bit bigger, but he will be OK with this.

Now, for some reason, I don't have the photos of the new brace. Maybe I forgot to download them from my phone. Oh well, maybe next post.

He is now freed from the confining cast and into the brace he has been waiting for. He can now shower without help getting his cast covered. This is a great relief for us and for him. He is supposed to wear the brace 24/7 except for showering. I am pretty sure he will adhere to the doctors directions, but then he is a boy and a teenager, so we will have to see.

He has some exercises he is to do for the next two weeks. He has been good so far to do them. He also has a lot of restrictions, so I hope he will be good. He understands the reason for the restrictions, but he is human and he came from my lineage, and therefore he may have a hard time restraining himself as he gets feeling better and better.

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