Monday, July 7, 2008

July 6th, 2008

Wow! Time is just flying by faster and faster each day. It is hard to believe that the first week of July is almost over! Life is in full swing and hurrying by very quickly.

My garden this year is going great. Although it was not put in until mid June. However, there are tomatoes on some of the plants. Plenty of blossoms and green growth. The melons and squashes look wonderful, and have blossoms beginning. I am going to help pollinate all the blossoms tomorrow.

We got the pool up to the best of our ability yesterday. We only have to complete the safety fence tomorrow. It is only a temporary set up, because I have decided that I can not work on the yard all summer. It is time to focus on the house again and our business.

I am trying to decide about the sand and gravel deliveries. If I wait until next year, I may not be able to have the material delivered to the back and side yard. I hope that the lot to our west remains unbuilt on, but surely it will be developed in the next few months or year.

I also need to build a garden trellis for the garden boxes. And I need to decided how to handle the tomatoes in the front of the house. Then I need to de-weed the clay areas and get them graveled or covered to prevent the horrible mess the muddy clay plays on our shoes.

Besides working outside tomorrow, I have a bunch of work in the business to do. We have a few goals to accomplish this month with our SuperFood Business.

Well got to go right now. Good night.

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