You would not believe how many different responses we have heard when we announced that we were home schooling our two kids this year.
"Are you crazy?" "I didn't know your were that crazy!" "Are you sure you want to do this?" "What?! Home school! Are you crazy." "Really?" "Crazy girl, what were you thinking?" "Man, you are in trouble now!" and on and on and on.......
Do you hear the consistent message? I sure did!
However, I have had some wonderful supporters as well. "You can do it!" "Wow, this will be interesting. I'm sure glad you researched this and we will support you any way we can." "I sure wish I had done this with my kids." "I wish I could do this with my kids."
Well guess what? Anyone can do this. I truly believe that we can do anything we desire if we have the dream and determination to do what we desire.
For us we had some feelings that we wanted to home school in the next few years. So I started researching curriculum on line and reading blogs that reflected homeschooling within families. Then when some of our friends told us they were homeschooling this fall, we looked into the program they were going to use. We decided to go with the K-12 system through one of State's School Districts.
We applied and then had the kids take the placement tests so they can be personally fitted with materials for their own level of knowledge. This is great that they will be able to learn where they are and go as fast or as slow as they need to go to learn the material.
We are in the final stages of placement at this stage. If all goes well we should be totally accepted and ready to go within a week.
Now, how do we know that this is right for us? Well, I have a strong knowledge that my Heavenly Father loves me and wants the best for me and my family. I know that if I take my research to Him and pitch my desires to Him, that He will answer my prayers. Now, I know that He will not always answer my prayers how I want to have them answered. I know I need to be receptive and listen for His answer. To make a long paragraph short- I know when things are right for me because The Holy Spirit whispers guidance to me and will also confirm when something is correct in my life. I know many things because of the confirmation The Holy Spirit gives me.
So my suggestion to you is, to research what you need to know, pray about what you need to know. Tell your Heavenly Father in your prayer what you intend on doing. Then ask Him if it is the right thing to do. He will answer your prayer with a calmness in your heart or a burning in your heart and you will know for sure that it is right. If you have feelings of doubt then the answer is probably no, or not now. If you lack any feelings, it might mean that you have not received an answer, or possibly it may mean that you can do it or not do it, it won't really matter. This is getting muddled. I will try and write it more clear later.
All I can say is "I just know" when I get an answer. 48 years of practice has helped me get to this position. If any of you want more, e-mail me and I will try to explain this better.
I know that Home School will not be easy. But I know it will be worth it. I hope to have a lot of fun and freedoms with my kids. We know we can be a bit flexible and do learning in a whole more applicable way. I really am excited.
While the kids are doing their school work, I can learn with them. I can also work my business. I can also work on my novels. I have 4 in the works, with 1 near completion. I have been finding it difficult to work on my books, but now with an office/school room, it should be much easier to get down to business and do some serious writing.
Well, I'm going to sign off for now. But I will post a few photos showing the beginnings of our office in our unfinished family room. So see ya later............
Great! This is a desk up-side-down. And this shows the other desk unbuilt. So as of today, both desks have been built and turned right-side-up. The carpet is spread out and layered to add padding and cover all the cement floor. Next is putting up the fabric walls and ceiling. I am using white sheets and what ever else I have on hand. I do need to have some electricity run, but that will be next week or the week after. So I will update later.
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