Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 16th is Almost Over

I have had a busy week again. So much for thinking I will write every day or at least more often than a week at a time. It has been nearly a week since I wrote last.

Where does time go? Oh, I figured part of where time goes. When Dear Hubby is at work, there seems to be less time to Blog. That is really weird. But it is true. You see, Hubby went to work last Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Then up to Scout Camp on Monday. Back to work Tuesday night. I sat down to begin to blog tonight because he was only on call, however off he went to work again.

Hubby has been put on restrictive or light duty at work because his knee has been reinjured again. As of this afternoon, he was not supposed to go to work, unless another position was found for him that could meet his doctors requirements of light duty. However, they needed him in the ER on call to watch a physc patient. That should be light duty enough. So off he went.

Our pool is doing very well. The neighbor kids like to swim with Pilot and Angel. It has been a bit cool for me. The water only gets to around 82 degrees and that is much too cold for me. But I have some solar ideas for heating the water being tossed around in my head.

My garden plants are coming great. I ate a cherry tomato yesterday and it was delicious. I can't wait for more to become ripe. It has been very hot and apparently when it is hot the squash don't do so well. My squash are not doing great, so I wonder if I put up some shade for them if it will help right now. A neighbor of my Mom's called the Gardening Extension at the university and they said that early hot weather adversely affects squash. Guess I will have to try something to help them along.

The kids and I picked up a $20 round glass table the other day. The round table top is two inches larger than our dining room table, but it will certainly protect the wooden top from any more spills. Twenty dollars is a steal for such a thick glass table topper. The table stand is in the back yard and I am sure I can find something to do with it. Maybe make a new outdoor top for it or something. My Dad says we got a good deal on the topper.

Pilot Boy went up with Hubby to Scout Camp on Monday morning. Scout Camp is in the High Uinta's out of Vernal about 40 miles. Then Tuesday at 3:00am they both show up back here at home. Apparently two of the Scouts had sick stomachs and they wanted to come home. Since Hubby had to leave in the am, the leaders decided to send the sick kids home with my Hubby. Pilot Boy said he needed to come back also, to make sure that Hubby stayed awake.

So Pilot went back up on Tuesday evening with a friend of our who was headed back up there. So Pilot is back at camp and where I need him to be this week. Hubby should be going back up to camp on Friday, maybe he will even go up tomorrow. We will see.

Angel and I have had some nice 'mother-daughter' time and fun watching movies together and staying up late. It has been fun. We get along so nicely most of the time. She is a lot of fun and cracks me up- she is very funny! She is also so talented with music. She has written several songs and they are really beautiful. She wrote a song last night and she sang it for me. It is beautiful also. It is called "Come Back" and I am truly impressed with her and her desire to write and sing.

Well I am going to go for now. I have a bunch of little things to do, like transfer the laundry, do the dishes and general pickup and make sure the front garden is watered.

See ya later,


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