Study guide for chapters 26 & 27 Drugs.
Brand, generic, class and my personal word associations.
I am still working in some of the associations and
will be modifying some of them, so check back anytime.
Some of my associations will not make sense to you, sorry.
I do hope some of these will be helpful to my you, my friends and fellow studiers.
Please leave any suggestions or easier associations in the comments.
I hope you have a great time with these
Drugs - they are a blast! {--- me, trying to use my positive attitude!!
Antihistamines (-atadine, -izine)
(Antihistamines = treatment of histamine caused allergies such as rhinitis)
1st generation drugs
147 - meclizine = Antivert, Bonine
*picture a vertical limousine with sneezing cows as passengers- in the history book*
2nd gen drugs
43 - cetirizine = Zyrtec
* cetiriz...... = .....Zyrtec / wait a sec, I'll get a tech*
44 - fexofenadine = Allegra
* He said, "That sexy model is All legs!" But due to his allergies, I thought he said fexy legs, not sexy legs! *
2nd gen w/ decongestant
(Decongestants = relief of nasal & upper respiratory congestion including colds & influenza)
200 - fexofenadine/pseudoephedrine = Allegra D
* fexy legs w/ D*
Misc nasal Preps
(nasal sprays/ drops = relief of nasal membrane edema, as decongestants, and for seasonal allergic rhinitis)
intranasal glucocorticoids
193 - triamcinolone = Nasacort
* tricycle alone to the nose of the basketball court*
83 - mometasone = Nasonex
* mom ate some food from on old Mason jar with an X on the lid*
(bronchodilators = dilate bronchial tree to increase O2 - CO2 exchange)
beta-adrenergic agents (beta2-agonist = -terol)
36 - albuterol = Proventil
* al's butter prevents ill *
anticholinergic agents
129 - tiotropium = Spiriva
* Tio tried opium and spiraled causing an asthma attack*
41 - fluticasone/salmeterol = Advair disc
* flutes and salmon are A vairy disgusting combination, but you can find it at the state Fair *
150 - ipratropium/albuterol = Combivent
* I prat with Al while combing a vent *
Glucocorticoids for Asthma
(glucocorticoids = relieve acute & chronic asthma)
175/55 - fluticasone = Flovent
* the flutes music flows through a vent *
Asthmatic Prophylactics
(asthmatic prophylatic agents = prevention of an asthma attack)
Leukotriene Antagonists
(leukotriene receptor antagonist = -lukast)
15 - montelukast = Singulair
* montel sings in his lair * * Monte and Luke sing in the air* * Monte & Luke are single *
Chapter 27
Antianginal Agents
(Antianginal Agents = relieve angina pectoris)
89 - isosorbide mononitrate = ISMO, Monoket, Imdur SR
* SOS - I'm so sore, it's only money, but i still have my ISMO, monkey and slow release Imdur. *
b-adrenergic blockers
(-olol = a lollipop for Betty makes her happy)
136 - propranolol = Inderal
* Proper PRO lollipops are eaten at the Indy 500 - Inderal race *
Cardiac Glycosides
(Cardiac Glycosides = relieve congestive heart failure)
114 - digoxin = Lanoxin
* dig the ox in the land- lan ox in *
(antiarrhythmic agents = treat dysrhythmias & disorders of cardiac rhythm)
Cardiac Antidysrythmics
class II
136 - propranolol = Inderal
* Proper PRO lollipops are eaten at the Indy 500 - Inderal race *
class IV
99 - verapamil = Calan, Isoptin
* when Vera and Pam meet Cal and Isop, their hearts skip a beat *
169/162 - diltiazem = Cardizem, Tiazac
* Dealt the cards - zem * * diltiazem - Tiazac*
183 - nifedipine = Adalat, Procardia
* never discipline Adam Heart, he has a Pro Card *
(diurectic = treat edema of congestive heart failure & hypertension)
loop diuretics (-semide)
11 - furosemide = Lasix
* I have few roses, the last six are over there* * I am furious with my Lasix surgery *
thiazide diuretics (-thiazide)
6 - hydrochlorothiazide = HydroDIURIL, Esidrix
* HCTZ = water pill / hydro - HydroDIURIL.... / Easy Sid, ix the long watery word! use HTCZ! *
distal tubule/ potassium-sparing diuretics
105 - spironolactone = Aldactone
* spear Al in act one*
Combination meds for Hypertension
potassium-sparing diuretic
26 - HCTZ/ triamterene = Dyazide, Maxzide
* Terence's trike is on its side- Max is Dya'ng*
antihypertensive (ARB = -sartan)
66 - HCTZ/ valsartan = Diovan HCT
*Val's dying van w/HCTZ - HCT*
173 - HCTZ/ bisoprolol = Ziac
* buy some water lollipops for Zach *
182 - HCTZ/ irbesartan = Avalide
* "I are the best in water," Ava lied.
128 - HCTZ/ losartan = Hyzaar
* lo - Hy, zaar (my in-laws cats name) I see Zaar high on the cabinet top *
46 - HCTZ/ lisinopril = Prinzide
* license plates w/water are made inside the prison *
96 - Benazepril/ amlodipine = Lotrel
* Ben and April are (am) not neutral they are Lotrel *
Adrenergic-inhibiting (sympatholytic) agents
8 - atenolol = Tenormin
* I ate ten lollipops, I was supposed to eat Ten or the min-imum *
14/29/38 - metoprolol = Lopressor, Toprol XL
* Press me on top of the lollipop * *Top rolls XL, me on top of the lollipop*
xb- blockers
102 - carvedilol = Coreg
* Craig carved a lollipop *
centrally acting adrenergic blockers
81/59 - clonidine = Catapres
* the Cat is pressed and ready to be cloned *
peripherally acting adrenergic blockers
(alphablocker –-> = -zosin * Hypertension - zo sin*)
146 - doxazosin = Cardura
* the docs cards are durable *
185 - terazosin = Hytrin
* Tera said, " Hi, Trinn."
angiotensin II receptor antagonists
(ARB = -sartan)
100 - losartan = Cozaar
* my cat Zaar is lo-co, his name should be Cozaar *
52 - valsartan = Diovan
* Vals Van is to Die for *
141 - irbesartan = Avapro
* Have a pro? I are the best! *
134 - olmesartan medoxomil = Benicar
*olme medox, home medics need Ben in the car *
ACE - angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors for hypertension
(hypertension ACE-I --> = -pril)
124 - benazepril = Lotensin
* Bens birthdays in not in April, Ryan's is low on the tenth. *
65 - enalapril = Vasotec
* eh Nala needs a Vase *
46/2 - lisinopril = Prinivil, Zestril
* Rolls off the tongue: lisinopril, Prinivil / say lisinopril with Zest! *
133 - quinapril = Accupril
* Quin's April starts with a 'q' - Accu-pril *
90 - ramipril = Altace
* a ram lives in the Altitude where ace flyers fly *
Calcium Channel Blockers for Hypertension (-dipine)
20 - amlodipine w/ benazepril = Lotrel, Norvasc
194 - felodipine = Plendil
* Pretty Girl, " there are Plenty of fellows in the pines." *
183 - nifedipine = Procardia, Adalat, Cardilate
* NIF - National Institute of Fitness /
(hypolipidemics = eleveated serum lipoproteins)
[HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor --> -statin, -vastatin = (fatten statten)]
3 - atorvastatin = Lipitor
* ator - Lipitor *
51 - lovastatin = Mevacor
* Love me to the cor *
92 - pravastatin = Pravachol
* prava - Prava *
9 - simvastatin = Zocor
* I am Sims to the core *
59 - resuvastatin = Crestor
* re-use that Crest toothpaste! *
misc hypolipidemics
143 - gemfibrozil = Lopid
* gem fibers should go for the lowest bid *
57 - ezetimibe = Zetia (2-asetidinone –-> -imibe)
*easy ezeti - Zetia *
86 - fenofibrate = Tricor, Lofibra (fibric acid derivative –-> -fibrate)
* fenofibra - Lofibra * *(startreck vital sign reader) make the fence vibrate with your Tricorder *
combination hypolipidemics
35 - ezetimibe / simvastatin = Vytorin
* easy Tim Sims you don't need to Vy for my tour *
(anticoagulants = prevent venous thrombi)
29/189 - warfarin = Coumadin
* war far is Coup makin'*
Antiplatelets (-grel)
(antiplatelets = prevents aggregation of platelets & prevents arterial thrombi/ blood clot prevention)
25 - clopidogrel = Plavix
* the horse clopped on the dog, Please fix him *
*** generic drug prefix/root/suffix ***
allergies -->
antihistamine -->
asthma -->
leukotriene receptor antagonist -->
beta2-agonist -->
Blood clot prevention -->
antiplatelet agent -->
Hyperlipidemia -->
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor -->
(fatten statten)
2-asetidinone -->
fibric acid derivative -->
Hypertension -->
CCB -->
Beta blocker -->
(a lollipop for betty makes her happy)
ACE-I -->
ARB -->
Loop diuretic -->
Thiazide diuretic -->
carbonic anhydrase inhibitor -->
alpha blocker -->