Thursday, October 4, 2007

The weather was really pleasant today, it was a warmish fall day. Too cool at first, but by noon it was open window time and let a just right breeze blow through the house. Yes a little dusty, but it still felt good.

Our kittens are growing nicely. The little runt is still very small, but she is strong and seems to be doing everything that her siblings do. It is just a little harder for her to pull or push her weight around to get what she wants. So she just crawls over everyone when she want something. They really are cute.

Ryan went to Scouts tonight. We usually forget about it because Michael has had to work on Wednesday Nights and I just forget. But I am glad he went tonight. It should now be easier to get him there because I get to do the Den Meetings at the same time at the church. I figure with 10 to 12 boys who are 8 to 9 years old, that we will use the wardhouse and not my house!

Rachael came with me tonight and she was quite bored as I would not let her do too much because the meeting was for the boys. So next time, (after we get back from vacation) I will make sure she has something to do.

Michael is working right now. He will be home around 6:00 am. I talked to him about 2 hours ago and he said they are really busy in the ER tonight.

The Cub Den Meeting went quite well. We really only met to get to know each other and fill out paperwork and find out where everybody was in their progress. There has not been any paperwork done for about 6 months is my guess. As the Senior Den Leader, (well more because I have had some experience in Cubbing) I guess until we get a Cub Master and Committee Chair Member, I will have to do the paperwork and put on Pack Meetings. It is going to be interesting.

Well I guess that will be it for now. There is so much more to write, but I need to go to bed.

Love you all,


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