Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Aloha Friday for April 10th

Happy Birthday to Pilot!!

So today is the day that my niece is getting married! Woohoo!!

We are so happy for her. So in light of her special day, I thought I would ask a question about anticipation.

Think back to a time when you were excited about something that was coming up, that would be a 'new beginning' for you. For instance- moving out of your family home to be on your own, your wedding day, graduation day, starting a new job, moving to a new city or country, something like that.

My question is:

Is it easy for you to make changes or is it stressful?

Were you sad to leave your 'old' life? Or happy to take your 'old' life's memories with you and make a better 'new' life? Did you fret over doing it right?

I am the type of person that tends to fret. I really want to know the outcome before I try anything. That is not always possible and so then I get stressed. I am not usually a risk taker and I have missed a lot of opportunities in life because of this 'holding back' attitude I possess. But then this is me and not everyone can be bold and daring. The world would be a totally different place if we were all the same.

I am not always wanting to stay put, but taking on a change is not always easy for me. When I was heading off to Norway for 18 months, I was both excited and scared. "What if I did not do my best?", "What if I can't learn the language?", a lot of what if's came into play. But I was not going to stay home, I was just very uncomfortable with having to go without knowing the outcome.

I went and had a wonderful time! I have found that I am having an easier time with some changes as I grow older- big changes that is. My own changes that is. My own challenges. But I still would rather have it easy and not go off into the unknown.

Life is full of unknowns and I will never have my wish of 'knowing', it just isn't going to be in this life. But I will survive!

Now, how well do you adjust to changes?

Thanks for answering. Take care and have a great week!!



My question to you this week is:

Is it easy for you to make changes or is it stressful?


Thanks for posting! Now jump back to Kailani's An Island Life
for other fun questions.

Check out my other posts for these meme's:


  1. It depends on what it is. As long as I want to it is mostly easy with just a bit of stress rolled in.

  2. It really depends. I get stressed very easily, so most likely yes

  3. I love change, my husband does not and it's his inability to handle change that just drives me nuts

  4. Change is horribly stressful for me. I don't know why and I wish I dealt with it better but I completely freeze up. My husband started calling me Supermarket Sarah because when change is a-brewin', I check out. Clever jerk.

  5. Hmm.. I grew up with Change.. moving 55 plus times and being in 13 different schools.. Change became exciting.. however, now that I have my own family.. it doesn't come as natural lol Usually, I have my bad attitude for a day then embrace the change :)

  6. It depends, but I think it's more stressful (but then I stress over everything. . .)

  7. I think it depends on what type of change, I find some more stressful than others.

  8. As a child, I loved change. When we moved it was just so exciting to be in a brand new house that no one had lived in. Flash forward 30+ years & now I find some change great but major changes can be quite stressful.

  9. I had a very simple childhood and loved changes, especially if they involved travel!

  10. It depends on what it is sometimes change is good! But then sometimes it's stressful for me and its harder to deal with

  11. Change is very stressful for me most of the time.

  12. I don't mind when things change, but the process is always stressful. Congratulations to your niece!

  13. I also have to say it depends on what type of change. The change of motherhood was quite easy for me. Now changing jobs on the other hand is really stressful!

  14. It depends on the change for me too. I do love new things, but there is a certain element of stress in the midst of the changes. The hardest thing for me in moving, for example, has been leaving friends and family. Even when I am excited about the new, I know they are feeling left behind, and that has been extremely hard for me.

  15. Is is fairly easy, but if it is a major change I would definitely be stressing big time. I can go with the flow pretty well with minor stuff though. Happy Friday!

  16. I am a "go with the flow" type of person so change really doesnt bother me.

  17. I usually can adjust pretty easily. Of course having kids has complicated things some. When teaching I can easily change things up without any issues.

    Enjoy the wedding!

  18. I can adjust easily on MOST things, but there is the rare occassion that I will stomp my feet and pitch a fit. :D

    I hope you have a great time at the wedding.

  19. I am such a creature of habit that's it's not even funny. One little change to my routine and I'm stressed. lol

    My Aloha Friday

  20. I think it depends on what it is. I was very stressed to have my whole life turned upside down by having my daughter. I really wanted her, but I was scared that once she came out, my whole life would be different and I would miss not being able to do what I want when I want.

    There are times that i miss just being able to do whatever I please, but I love her and wouldn't trade her for anything...

    As for other things...I think I handle them pretty easily!

  21. very stressful even if I was excited i still stress when it comes to change...

  22. I think for the most part change doesn't bother's part of life and there doesn't seem to be much point in trying to fight it!

  23. It depends, I am pretty good with change and usually adjust however moving always stresses me out Aloha :)

  24. I don't really like change...but change has to happen so I've learned not to fight it. Come on over and link up....enter a giveaway or two while you're there!

  25. I don't like change, and tend to resist it. Sometimes it is inevitable though.

  26. Totally depends on the change. I'm getting old :)

  27. It's usually a stressful time for me. I'm a very detailed and "planner" type of person. I'm very anal retentive. So, you throw a kink in my program and ask me to do something different...well, it'll be a fight. :)

  28. being a navy wife you get accustomed to all the change but nevertheless... you fret. You have to. There are so many incertainties and even when you think you have the best laid plans and the outcome... something at the last minute always seems to change....
